Review | Diamond Coral Alkaline Water & WaterBar 💦

September 16, 2017

Hi berries!🍓
Today I'm going to share with you my experience with using DIAMOND CORAL Alkaline Water & WaterBar.

People are concerning about their health issues but they never thought about the unhealthy lifestyle, low intake of water and vegetables will will affects their health including headache, skin allergy, constipation and etc. Therefore, we need to alter acidic physique by changing our lifestyle.

The easiest way to kick start healthy habits is drink water. As we know that water is not just for quenching thirst, it will also impact our health directly. It is important to choose water that contains alkaline minerals and trace elements that beneficial to health. By drinking alkaline water everyday, it will provides alkaline minerals to fit our body needs.

I was glad to experience DIAMOND CORAL Alkaline Water and DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar for 1 months as my family are long-term users of Diamond (but is 10+ years version lol) and we decided to test out how big difference is the latest Diamond filter.

Water filtration specialist from Diamond company will help you to install and guide you everything!

 There is six filters inside but we only need to wash the filter A (it has stated on the tube) every 2-3 weeks. For the others they will come for service every 6 months.

They also install this on the hose for us to change the tap water and alkaline water with just twisting it.

I washed and soaked my fruits with using DIAMOND CORAL Alkaline Water as it can remove 99.6% of toxic agricultural chemicals. When I was making yogurt, I find out my blueberries have becomes more crunchy and refresh after washing it.

Now I'm going to introduce DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar which is one of the main product besides of DIAMOND CORAL Alkaline Water!

What's the benefits of DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar?

3-Second Instant Heat Technology
The new technology helps to minimize the boiling time and does not produce water that contain harmful chemicals to protect our health.

Save Electricity
DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar claims that it ca save more than 50% of electricity.

Save Space
DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar is special designed by the famous European designers and its occupied space is 30% smaller than an A4 paper.

How DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar works?
Firstly, you need to fill in the water into the water tank. You can add some lemons to enhance the taste of water.

On this WaterBar, there is four button which are:
"Lock" Button 
This is for preventing children to press the hot water by themselves.

"Hot" Button
This button can help you to get hot water instantly without reboiling.

"Warm" Button
This is their special features which is suitable for elderly and mommies as it is not easy for them to mixing the cold and hot water to make it warm. Now with this button, they can get warm water in easy way.

"Normal" Button
I usually using this button as I need to refill my water bottle everyday.

It's just as simple as that!
Now you can enjoy alkaline water in anytime at home.

As my mom is a babysitter, she always need to control the temperature of water by mixing the hot and cold water together, now with DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar, she get just can the perfect warm water within 3 second as it has instant heat technology.

50°C warm water, best temperature for baby formula milk!

I personally think that DIAMOND CORAL Alkaline Water and WaterBar has bring convenient to my family. I started love to drink water and my mom can easily get the warm water for prepare milk for baby (as she is babysitter). Now with  DIAMOND CORAL WaterBar, we also need not drink reboiling hot water anymore!

I have a great news want to share with all of you!
You can get 7 days free trial of Diamond Coral Alkaline Water + Diamond WaterBar without any additional cost. It's a great option for you who wish to know how it works but worry about making a wrong decision!

For more information,

Facebook Page:

60-Days Free Trial Diamond Coral Alkaline Water:

7-Days Diamond Coral WaterBar Free Trial:

Thanks for reading & see you in the next post,

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