Beauty | Althea Petal Velvet Powder 🌸
August 12, 2017
Hey Berries! I'm finally back with my beauty review!
I'm so sorry for my not-so-frequent blog updates as I was just finished my thrid paper for my finals and still have 1 more to go...
I seriously miss my blog so much even it is just 2-3 weeks from my last update.
By the way today post will be about my first impression with Althea Petal Velvet Powder
I'm glad to know that Althea Korea has launched their first product range on their website and I can't wait to try out when I received the product from them.
(Support support!)
Let me do a simple introduction to their new product!
credit: Althea Korea
Althea Petal Velvet Powder is a loose powder made with pure, natural ingredients & it has micro-fine particles which help to control sebum, minimizing pores and fine lines for achieving flawless skin like Korean. It is suitable for all skin type as the ingredient are gentle to skin. Most importantly, it is cruelty free!
The main ingredient of Althea Petal Velvet Powder is actually from Althea flower seed extract which consists of antioxidant for protecting our skin from dehyadration. It also help to brighten your skin as well.
You might find familiar with this flower because the appearance of it is quite similair with our national flower Hibiscus.
Let's have a close look with it!
The design of Petal Velvet Powder is quite simple but it is unique for people to reconigze. I personally love the packaging so much as pastel pink is my favourite colour & it just look sweet!
The size of this powder is quite small so you can bring it along to travel or anytime when you need it.
The powder comes with a puff applicator for users to apply on face.
The puff is 2X thick & it is very comfy to use as the size of the puff is not too small, just perfect for 2 fingers to hold it.
(I usually use face brush so it depends on you whether you're comfortable with puff or brush)
The only thing that you need to do everytime is make sure to wash the puff especially when you dab it on your face with foundation. It is because white puff not gets dirty easily and washing your makeup applicator is for maintaining hygiene purpose.
The powder texture is really smooth and lightweight & it comes with a mild floral scent which is not overpowering for me.
I actually find out the hole for the powder to pour out is quite big compare with the loose powder that I currently use. As you can see in this photo, I can just use it directly without shaking it hard just to pour out the powder.
However, there is one time I accidentally place it upside down on makeup table & guess what, it pours out a lot on powder and outside of the case so please be careful & make sure you're not placing it "Terbaik" lol.
Here's a photo after I have applied the powder on my face.
The powder is translucent so you need not worry about the powder will make your skin over whitening. I actually didn't apply any foundation on my skin but this powder did a great job in blurring my pores (especially nose part) and slightly tone up my face. When I touched my face, I can feel my skin is very smooth & it is a great product for humid weather like Malaysia.
Will I repurchase?
I will definitely say YES because it is a worth to get product as it is only cost RM16 on Althea Korea! Every product have its own pros and cons but for Petal Velvet Powder, I have only faced some tiny matter which you might not experience while using it.
Now you can achieve flawless skin with just a simple touch with using Althea Petal Velvet Powder!
Where to get?
You can click the link below to get Althea Petal Velvet Powder!
I hope my review is helpful for you to choose a right product which is suitable for your skin.
Thanks for reading & enjoy your weekend!
1 comments cute la you placing it terbalik...ahahha but yea I really like the radiant vibe that it gives off after applying...